Facial Paralysis Surgery in Chicago

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What Is Facial Paralysis?

Facial paralysis occurs when facial muscles are weakened or paralyzed due to facial nerve damage. This condition can cause facial changes and difficulty performing facial expressions, including smiling, closing the eyes, or raising eyebrows. It can also lead to drooling, problems with eating and speaking, as well as other facial irregularities.

Facial Paralysis Surgery Overview

Our method for treating facial paralysis is designed to reduce facial asymmetry and improve facial movement for our patients. We believe that facial paralysis does not have to be permanent, which is why we offer a personalized facial paralysis treatment plan tailored to each individual’s needs.

Our facial paralysis treatments include:

  • Nerve transfer: This procedure involves transferring healthy facial nerves to facial muscles that have been weakened or paralyzed due to facial nerve damage.
  • Facial muscle surgery: In facial muscle surgery, we carefully reposition facial muscles on the affected side using tiny incisions and then reattach them to nerves in order to restore facial movement.
  • Reconstruction surgery: Reconstruction surgery is a facial plastic surgery procedure that can help restore facial symmetry and structure on the affected side.

At Chicago Oculofacial Consultants, we understand the impact facial paralysis can have on your life. We are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of care and treatment for facial paralysis in Chicago.

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Benefits of Treating Facial Paralysis

By treating facial paralysis, our patients may be able to benefit from:

  • Improved facial symmetry and facial structure
  • Increased facial movement and expression
  • Restored confidence in their appearance
  • Reduced drooling and other issues associated with facial paralysis

If you are interested in learning more about facial paralysis surgery in Chicago, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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Should I Have Facial Paralysis Treatment?

Facial paralysis can be caused by a number of medical conditions, including stroke, facial trauma, facial tumors, and Bell’s palsy. If you have been diagnosed with facial paralysis or are experiencing facial changes due to facial nerve damage, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible to reverse the effects. However, it is important to be matched with the right physician to help you against facial paralysis. Dr. Williams is a highly experienced, board-certified surgeon with a track record of success in facial surgery. To learn if our procedure is right for you, you can set up your consultation with Dr. Williams for a full examination of assessment of your treatment options. We look at every factor, from the cause to the extent of the paralysis, to match you with an ideal, timely procedure.

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After the Surgery: Recovery

After facial paralysis surgery, our patients can typically expect to experience some mild discomfort and facial swelling. We provide our patients with detailed recovery instructions to ensure a safe and successful healing process. After the procedure, we will continue to monitor your progress closely to determine if any additional treatments are necessary. With proper care and follow-up treatment, facial paralysis surgery can deliver lasting results that patients love.

After the Surgery: Results

Facial paralysis surgery can help to restore facial movement, facial symmetry, and confidence in one’s appearance. Our patients are often amazed at the transformation that facial paralysis surgery can bring, and they are able to enjoy their improved facial movements and facial structure without worrying about facial irregularities or asymmetry. However, each procedure can vary, and the results often depend on multiple factors. Before your procedure, we can provide an outline of what results you should be able to expect, as well as the timeline for when you should be able to benefit from them. For some patients, results may appear sooner than others.

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