
What Are the Different Types of Brow Lift?

Brow lifts are available in many different shapes and forms to help patients combat the signs of aging. Also known as a forehead lift, brow lifts treat the upper area of the face between the eyebrows and the hairline. You might be dealing with wrinkles, discoloration, or deteriorating health after years of damage to your skin. If that is the case, then this rejuvenating procedure might be the perfect fit for you. The first step in achieving a younger and smoother brow is to schedule an appointment with a board-certified ophthalmologist in Chicago. So, what are the different types of brow lift?

What Are the Different Types of Brow Lift?

The next step entails a long discussion about your medical history, your aesthetic goals, and your expectations for a brow lift. You might want to ask questions such as:

  • How does a brow lift work?
  • What are the different types of brow lifts available?
  • What is the surgery and recovery process like?

Several of our safe and efficient methods may get you the aesthetic results you are looking for. If you’re interested in learning about types of brow lifts and the benefits they offer, read on.

Starting the Brow Lift Process

Most facial expressions fade over time, and aging will cause deep creases and lines. A brow lift focuses on the forehead and upper eye areas by reducing or preventing these unsavory lines. Some patients combine a custom brow lift with other facial procedures for a symmetrical and harmonious array of results. Others might be looking to make a more subtle facial change. Before you commit to surgery, you need to know what type of brow lift you need and why.

Brow lifts address:

  • Forehead lines
  • Wrinkles and sags above the eyes
  • 11s or long lines between eyebrows

To determine the best treatment for your specific concerns, you should reach out to us right away. After your consultation, you can start preparing for your type of surgery. Most of our options involve generalized anesthesia, which might come with particular instructions from your doctor in the days leading up to your appointment.

What Types of Brow Lifts are Available?

Forehead and brow lifts can be performed using various techniques, each suited to different needs and desired outcomes. While no two surgical journeys look the same, there are a few common methods that we employ with our patients.

Brow lifts can be achieved using the following techniques:

Endoscopic Brow Lifts

A minimally invasive type of brow lift for those needing only minor changes, this specialty brow lift technique involves making numerous tiny incisions over the scalp instead of one large one. The size of these incisions allows for a scope, which is a small device with a camera, to be put under the scalp. Once there, the surgeon can view and adjust targeted tissues. This method provides quick recovery and usually produces little to no scarring.

Limited Incision Techniques

This technique involves fewer incisions and no scope. Among the common brow lift methods available, it is the least invasive and works best for treating areas of damaged skin around the eyes. If your problems with wrinkles and sags stem mainly from the lower brows, then this might be the right procedure with you. It offers an incredibly quick recovery time with almost no scarring.

Traditional Brow Lifts

A classic lift, also known as an open lift or coronal lift, is performed by making an incision across the top of the head, running from ear to ear. This is necessary for full brow rejuvenation. The procedure may leave a scar, but the doctor will make sure the scars remain well-hidden under your hairline. This is the most common type of brow lift surgery that we perform at Chicago Oculofacial Consultants.

How to Get the Best Brow Lift Results

A lot of people want to have confidence about their results before they commit to the surgery. We can guarantee beautiful and long-lasting changes to your brow, keeping you looking young and wrinkle-free for many years. You can prolong your results even longer by taking good care of your body and skin.

Make sure to take it easy during the initial recovery process. Although you feel and look okay in several weeks, it will take up to six months for the final results of the brow lift to become evident. While this may seem like a long time, just remember that your results are likely to be permanent.

Get the Best Brow Lift in Chicago Today!

We can show you all of our unique options for an eyebrow lift in Chicago when you visit our friendly office. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with us to learn more about how you can reshape and restructure your brow to match your preferred aesthetics. You can reach out to us any day of the week to get started!

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