Brow Lift

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What Is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift, or eyelid brow lift surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that helps to reduce the signs of aging by removing excess skin and fat from the forehead. It can reposition eyebrows for a more youthful appearance and create an improved facial balance.

Our brow lifts employ the latest techniques to help patients see maximum results. During the procedure, our highly trained and experienced surgeons will reposition the eyelids and brows, creating a more youthful look. The procedure is personalized to your needs and can be tailored to enhance facial balance and symmetry.

Surgery Overview

Our eyelid brow lifts offer many benefits and advantages. Our surgeons have years of experience in performing lifts, ensuring you receive the best care possible. During surgery, our surgeons will carefully remove excess skin and fat from your forehead and eyelids. The tissue will then be reshaped to achieve a smoother forehead profile, repositioning your eyebrows for a more youthful look.

The eyelid brow lift procedure can take anywhere from one to three hours, depending on the complexity of your individual case. You can also combine your lift with other cosmetic procedures to see even more extensive enhancements.

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George Eliot


At Chicago Oculofacial Consultants, our eyelid brow lifts can provide many benefits. They can help you:
  • Smooth out wrinkles and lines on the forehead
  • Improve the appearance of drooping eyelids
  • Reduce the amount of excess skin on your eyelids
  • Enhance facial balance and symmetry
  • Rejuvenate your face for a more youthful look
If you are interested in learning more about eyelid brow lifts, contact us at Chicago Oculofacial Consultants today. Our experienced, board-certified surgeon can help you find the best solution to your individual needs and help restore a more vibrant appearance. Contact us now to get started on your personalized cosmetic surgery plan.

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Before & Afters

Procedure before and after patient1

Am I a Candidate?

If you are looking to restore a more youthful appearance and reduce the signs of aging, eyelid brow lift surgery may be right for you. Here at Chicago Oculofacial Consultants, you can schedule a personal consultation with our board-certified surgeon to help determine if a lift is the best option for your individual needs. We look at every aspect of your situation and your goals, taking the time to learn about you so you can be matched with your ideal procedure. The ideal candidate will be in good health and be ready with healthy expectations and an understanding of the possible results.

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After the Surgery: Recovery

Recovery time for your brow lift surgery will vary depending on the individual, but most patients take about 1-2 weeks of downtime to start. Patients typically experience some bruising and swelling, which should subside within a few weeks. It's important to follow our surgeon’s detailed instructions as you heal to reduce any potential complications. This includes avoiding strenuous activity until Dr. Williams gives you the go-ahead to resume your daily routine.

After the Surgery: Results

A brow lift procedure can provide you with long-lasting results that give you a new aesthetic that you can embrace for years. While you may see some results immediately, changes in your eyelids and forehead may take 2-3 months to fully show. You can trust that it can help you look more youthful and restore the shape of your eyelids.

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